Make the Best Impact with Chinese Voiceovers
Video marketing is a relatively recent trend which has caught wind in the present times. Majority of the companies have started using this concept of marketing for their products. For video marketing to work, your video needs to create an impact with the target audience. When you’re selling your product in an international market like China, it is essential that the Chinese voiceover for the video is done flawlessly so as to reach out to the local people.
There are various ways in which you can create the best impact with a voiceover; think carefully before adding a voice to your video. To create the maximum impact, you can follow these simple steps which will direct you to the type of voice you need.
Step #1 Keep the Message Simple
One commone mistake companies make is cramming everything possible in one video. Avoid doing this. Keep the audio message simple; divide the audio into 3 main points, it will be easily understood and people will also find it easier to recall the message. Your aim should be to reach the audience and create your brand recall.
Step#2 Make it sound Right
When writing the script, remember that it has to be voiced and think about how it would sound. Keeping the sentences short and using good grammar will make the message flow. When translating to a local language like Mandarin Chinese, it is crucial to have professionals translate the script from English to Mandarin Chinese.
Step#3 Match the text to the video
Voiceovers that don’t match the visuals occur due to miscommunication between the script writer and the visual videographer. Ensure that the two parties work together; this will give you audio and video content that matches.
Step#4 Selecting the Perfect Tone
The power of the right voice is crucial to make an impact. Once the target audience is determine, find a voice which has the type of vocal qualities that will appeal to your audience. Determine the vocal style to use. If your product is designed to bring relaxation, then you would use a smooth, relaxing tone for it. The right tone with the right visual alone will guarantee a 93% impact.
Step#5 Add Finishing Touches
Consider adding music and the correct sound mix for your video. The right style of music adds flow to your video. The audio effects are equally important to complement the video. It also adds a professional touch to the video.
We hope these guidelines help you create an impactful video; we at Limpid are professional translators and one of the best voiceover service providers in China.
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