Chinese Website Localization in 2023: Supercharge Your Marketing Efforts
There’s no doubt that doing business in China is becoming increasingly indispensable for companies worldwide. By 2024, Chinese online retail transactions are forecasted to reach $3.56 trillion – larger than the combined figures of France, Germany, Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom.
Localizing your website is an integral part of your marketing efforts. But where do you start? Whether you are beginning to explore the China market or a veteran who needs a refresher on the best practices, this article will walk you through them. We’ll cover everything from translation and cultural considerations to marketing and SEO. So read on – and start preparing for success on China’s internet.
1. Mobile first
With rapidly-increasing internet speeds in major cities, Chinese users are now favoring mobile devices over desktop computers and laptops when browsing the web. This makes it essential that companies go mobile-first in their website localization efforts if they want to capture their audience’s attention.
Smartphone usage is skyrocketing not only across China but Southeast Asia too – and on average, Chinese users will spend more than 6 hours daily on mobile phones. This means the first impression with your audience is likely to be made through tiny screens, so it’s critical for businesses looking to expand into this market to develop a localized mobile strategy in 2023. Just remember that to be successful here: faster = better.
2. Prioritize speed and peak performance
Fast loading speeds and optimal performance will be even more critical in 2023. A website that loads quickly and without hiccups guarantees an enjoyable user experience for your visitors, the foundation of success for any brand. The best way to ensure fast page load times and top performance is to use a CDN (Content Delivery Network) service and host the site locally.
Choosing the right CDN provider and getting ahead of your rivals on latency offered is key to achieving peak speed results. Regarding hosting companies, you may select reliable services based in Hong Kong, the nearest region in Mainland.
3. Compliance is the key to thrive
In 2023, companies must comply with China’s internet regulations or risk a hit to their bottom line. Companies that don’t comply may suffer monetary fines, suspension of service and business operations, and even complete closure – the stakes are high. As online activities become more complex and interactive in China, compliance regulations will also change.
It’s critical for organizations in the country to be up-to-date with the latest laws and regulations related to internet operations to protect their interests and build up efficiencies within their organization. Savvy business leaders and decision-makers must carefully evaluate potential risks associated with not being fully compliant with Chinese laws. By doing so, they can guarantee success for their brand long into the future.
4. Optimize UI/UX for consumers
2023 will be a big year for mobile websites – most online engagements will likely happen on phones and tablets, so optimization is critical. User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) are essential to successful website adaptation: they should be attractive, fast, intuitive, and language-appropriate. To optimize the UI/UX for consumers in 2023, ensuring that text font size is just right and photos appear as intended is paramount.
It’s also vital to ensure localization is accurate when needed: websites tailored to Chinese audiences must have relevant imagery, content written in simplified Chinese characters with traditional phrasing, useful audio/visual features, and appropriate tones across the board. With careful analysis and attention to detail, you can create a maximally engaging interface that looks great on any device!
5. Translate videos and other marketing campaigns
In 2023, translating videos and other marketing campaigns should be crucial to website localization best practices. Videos can be incredibly helpful in conveying brand messages, promoting products or services, and generating website traffic. To ensure this is done effectively within the Chinese market, it is essential to make sure that videos and other marketing materials are localized for native Chinese-speaking audiences.
Examples may include translation into Simplified Chinese characters, adding relevant background music with a positive tonality, and dubbing the video to keep with the target audience’s preferences regarding audio and visuals. Additionally, by working with a professional localizer who understands cultural nuances, you can ensure that your video drives feelings of relevance with your target audience through language choice and content selection.
Ultimately, these strategies will help you engage more effectively with Chinese customers on websites and maximize your visibility across different campaigns.
6. Understand Baidu algorithms
By 2023, it would be absolute folly if businesses weren’t paying close attention to Baidu’s algorithms. This is because, as the largest search engine in China, the company’s decisions can significantly impact Chinese SEO rankings and visibility.
To increase your chances for success, applying Baidu SEO best practices, such as optimizing titles and descriptions in Simplified Chinese, targeting locally relevant keywords, and building up backlinks from relevant websites, is essential.
Additionally, implementing Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) into your website will give you a strategic advantage in improving load speeds on mobile devices. So don’t wait any longer – get ready to reach more potential customers with Baidu’s best practices now.

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