5 Things You Should Not Do On Business Trip To China

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Going on a Business Trip to China? China is a peculiarly interesting place. Peculiar because it has unique customs and traditions that set it apart from the rest of the world, making it a culture that is intriguing to explore and inspiring to know about.

So, when you are in China, besides the ʻactual doing businessʻ you have to know that there are certain things that can make or break your image in front of your Chinese hosts and acquaintances. This article may not be able to save you from making pronunciation blunders but it can surely save you from outright embarrassments and certain humiliations. The following is a list of things not to do in China.

1. Never Get Angry In Public

Open display of anger is not appreciated by the Chinese; it puts them in an uncomfortable situation which is difficult for them to deal with. The situation worsens if the person getting angry is a foreigner.

2. Do Not Address People By Their First Names

In China, the last name always comes first, symbolic of the tradition that family takes priority over the individual. So if you are introduced to a man named Lî Míng, you are to call him Mr. Lî, not Mr. Míng. The Chinese do not prefer using first names and it is only close family/loved ones who would address the man as Míng. 

3. Never Take an Initial ‘No, Thank You’ Literally

The Chinese people are habitual of refusing food or drink offered to them several times. They would do it no matter how hungry or thirsty they are. As for you, never take the first ‘no, thank you’ literally. Offer them again, even thrice if you have to.

4. Don’t Show Up Empty-handed

The Chinese people exchange gifts frequently among each other, without the need of a special occasion. If you have a scheduled business meeting or have been invited to a dinner at someone’s house, don’t go empty handed. Gifts are a token of goodwill and friendship.

5. Never Take Food from the Wrong End of You Chopsticks

Once in China, you would notice that serving spoons for most collective dishes are absent. That is because everyone uses chopsticks. The chopsticks are turned upside down to take food from the dish and serve it onto the individual plates.

Business Trip China

Business Trip to China

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