Top 5 Tips on Chinese Localization of E-Learning Content (Part 1)
Editor’s Note: This is a two-part blog series about e-learning and Chinese localization. In this post, you will learn more about the value of localization of e-learning materials when it comes to corporate training.
Is your company deploying training managers to equip your global workforce?
As the workplace becomes dynamic, elevating the industry knowledge and skills is crucial.
If you have an in-house team in China, Chinese localization plays a significant role. First, it contributes to your company’s growth. Second, it contributes to your employees’ competence and personal development.
But investing in training can be costly, too. Imagine the airfare, accommodations, and miscellaneous expenses you have to shell out. That’s only for one skilled training manager. But you can also explore other ways to make it cost-efficient and effective.
You can easily manage the method while maintaining international standards through e-learning.

Consider these Chinese localization tips of your e-learning content:
#1 Be Sensitive with the Culture
Review all the videos and training materials to make sure there are no offensive words or slangs. There might be some phrases or sentences that may sound inappropriate. Work with local talent or Chinese as you watch and review the materials. You can assess what to include or skip in those videos.
Most people in the west could use jokes or stories in the introduction part. It could be a way to “warm-up” the training session. You may want to skip that part or think of another creative introduction that will set the mood the Chinese way.
#2 Details Matter
Watch out for details. Trainees can notice those details that are irrelevant to them in the videos. They may also feel that the material wasn’t created for them. Localize roads, symbols, maps, and other materials, which they can relate to.
Measurements from Europe and the United States differ. Make sure you’re also using Chinese units of measurement for guides or manuals. Do your materials include maps? Skip Google Maps and use Baidu Maps as your reference when pointing out places and landmarks.
#3 Gestures and Actions Mean Something
Body language speaks louder than words. As you review the original training videos, adjust and edit those clips where the trainer’s gestures or actions seem inappropriate or offensive to your Chinese employees.
Gestures are also different from one country to another. For example, in the west, thumbs-up means “OK.” Some use this and gesture (icon) instead. When counting using fingers, some use the pinky finger to start with. Others use the forefinger. Some locals in China use the thumb to start with when counting. So, ask and consult what’s appropriate and relevant to your audience.
The style and voice of the trainer should be enlightening and encouraging for the locals. If you want to use Mandarin voice-over, make sure you use the right voice-over talent. They must match the style and tone of voice talent. His or her voice should be engaging and lively.
#4 Be Part of the Community and Support Them
Listen to the concerns and issues of the community. You may want to include comprehensive troubleshooting guides in your training materials.
Concerns in their areas may not be the same as in your headquarters. So, you might want to add some guidelines, which are not covered in your English manuals and videos.
#5 Localization and Translation Should Work Together
Language solutions should be part of your e-learning platform as you train your employees. Make sure that localization and translation work hand-in-hand. They should be present in all the e-learning materials you use.
It’s not enough you translate your materials in Chinese, make sure you also are sensitive with the design and elements involved in the videos.
Aside from the language, consider the gestures and body language.
Ask yourself, how do employees think? How do they grasp concepts and ideas?
If you need help in localizing e-learning materials for corporate training, LIMPID can assist you.