How to win Over Your Chinese Clientele?
Chinese consumer buying patterns have changed in recent years. The new age Chinese consumer—especially the post-1990 generation—has different spending priorities compared to their predecessors. So it only makes sense that marketing and selling strategies evolve with this new wave of consumerism in China.
There are certain things that foreign businesses dealing with a Chinese clientele must take into consideration to ensure customer satisfaction and retention. Here are a few of them:
Access the Market
We’re light-years ahead of where we stood before globalization. The modern Chinese clientele is very well acquainted with international brands. In fact, the demand for imported goods in China has increased drastically, raising cross-border e-commerce in the country.
A recent study by e-marketers showed that a predictable 24% of the total Chinese online clientele reaches out to foreign brands and makes purchases.
This is an eye-opener for western producers and retailers, who are scrambling to invest in artificial intelligence solutions that will tell them what the local clientele wants and in what quantity.
The Chinese consumer market is hot right now; strike with the knowledge of consumer behavior and patterns and see the demand for your product skyrocket!
Provide Quality of Living
If you look at the recent Chinese consumer patterns in depth, you’ll find that the new generation is looking for a better standard of living, along with stability and baser things like food and clothing.
The one thing that’s common in all those purchases is the demand for quality. Chinese consumers turn towards western retailers for quality of living. In fact, in a 2016 survey of 1,596 Chinese internet users, personal care products and services amounted to more than 45% of cross-border spending.
So if you want to make your Chinese clientele happy, help them live a better life and provide quality because they prefer it over quantity.
Get Online!

The Chinese digital market is a gold mine for foreigners. As China is one of the most developed countries in the world, most of the country is digitized and has a heavy online presence. Many westerners don’t avail this opportunity. What they don’t realize is that SEO content marketing plays a huge role in luring in online customers. Since most of the Chinese youth are on their phones, it makes sense that you speak to them through mobile devices. The clientele will also appreciate that you’ve chosen to interact with them on a platform that they’re most comfortable with.
Speak Their Language!
Perhaps the most important thing to do to win over your Chinese clientele is to address them in their mother tongue. Chinese people are very proud of their heritage and language and if they find a foreign retailer who respects that, they’ll get hooked!

So, win over your Chinese clientele with Chinese translation services that’ll help you market your product and service in China and impress your Chinese clientele. We can also help you design your website for the Chinese market; contact us to get a quote today!