Things to Consider When Localizing Mobile Apps and Websites for Chinese Market
China’s share in global e-commerce market is 42%, making it a considerably attractive digital economy for western companies looking to expand internationally. However, without using proper localization techniques, it is impossible to make room for your product in an economic space as independent as China’s.
Here’s a list of some factors to consider when localizing your apps and websites for Chinese market.
1. Page Load Speed
Page load speed is a critical website performance metric; slow loading page has the ability to drive away prospective buyers and significantly increase bounce rate.
Your website will be inevitably slower in China due to the Chinese Firewall, which in an internet filtering system that restricts access to certain content. To combat this issue, remove any unnecessary plug-ins on your site blocked in the country during the localization process.
2. Chinese SEO
Baidu is to China what Google is to the world. The search engine market share of Baidu in China is 76.05%, and is expected to continue its dominance in the Chinese internet search arena. Conduct a thorough research on Baidu’s ranking algorithms to localize your website for Chinese market.
3. Integration of Chinese Social Media
Building a social media presence helps extend your reach in the market. For a successful localized digital marketing campaign, integrate options on your application and website that allow visitors to share content on popular Chinese social media platforms such as WeChat or RenRen.
4. Adjustment of Payment Methods
PayPal, Visa or Mastercard aren’t particularly popular payment options in China. If your application or website only offers payment through the mentioned platforms, your website will not appeal to Chinese customers. During the localization process, switch to a local payment channel, such as Zhifubao or UnionPay.
5. Reliable Translation Service Provider
Language barrier is perhaps the most obvious obstacle that foreign retailers come across as they expand their business to China.
Less than 1% of the Chinese population understands English, which is why translation is an important factor to consider as you localize your website and applications. Make your brand’s message more comprehensible to locals by investing in a trustworthy translation service provider for your website.
Localization of your e-commerce app or website to Chinese is a step you cannot skip if you’re looking to enter the Chinese digital market.
To make sure your message doesn’t get lost in translation, consult an experienced website localization agency, such as LIMPID Translations. Our team will help you gain a strong foothold in the Chinese economic landscape by providing premium quality translation services for your web content and promotional campaigns. For quotes, you may visit our website or contact us on the following numbers: +86-13-7616-98467 (Shanghai Office)
+1-877-574-2407 (US and Canada Toll Free)